16/03/2023 : PM South Australia

River Murray flood response wrap up and thank you

Group photo of some employees who were involved in the 2022/23 River Murray Flood response

On 3 March 2023, the SA State Emergency Service, alongside Minister for Emergency Services Joe Szakacs, held the first of many presentations to recognise the response efforts during the River Murray flood. This was to say thank you to SASES employees who were heavily involved in the coordination and response to the flood.

One of the most significant floods in South Australia’s history, this photo shows only a portion of the mammoth response effort.

From August 2022 to February 2023 (over 180 days), we had over 1,400 people involved in response to the flood, equalling over 130,000 personnel hours worked—that's over 14 year’s worth of hours! This included:

  • over 369,500 sandbags distributed to communities
  • 17 community meetings and multiple street corner meetings
  • approx. 1,600 levee assessments
  • 5.31km of DefenCell Flood Barrier deployed
  • air and ground observations
  • over 1,200 calls through the River Murray Hotline

and so much more!

A big thank you to everyone who supported us, keeping River Murray communities prepared and safe. We also thank NRMA Insurance as our Principal Sponsor for their support over the River Murray flood including the outstanding efforts from their team who volunteered to assist with the deployment of DefenCell barriers at Mannum. Further presentations will be held in future.

Attention has now turned to recovery and many of these agencies will continue to be involved to support communities during this time.

For information about River Murray flood relief and recovery, visit www.sa.gov.au/floods


South Australia Police
SA Metropolitan Fire Service
SA Country Fire Service
SA Sea Rescue Squadron
Volunteer Marine Rescue South Australia
SA Government
Department for Environment and Water
SA Infrastructure and Transport
SA Health
SA Water
Department for Energy and Mining SA
SA Power Networks
Bureau of Meteorology
Local Government Functional Support Group
SA Housing Authority
Department of Primary Industries and Regions
South Australian Tourism Commission
SA Ambulance Service
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Government of South Australia Attorney-General’s Department
Renewal SA
Department for Education SA
Local Government Association of South Australia
Berri Barmera Council
Coorong District Council
District Council of Loxton Waikerie
Mid Murray Council
Renmark Paringa Council
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
Alexandrina Council
Australian Defence Force
National Resource Sharing Centre
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Fire and Rescue NSW
ACT Emergency Services Agency
Emergency Management Victoria
Fire Rescue Victoria
Tasmania SES
St John Ambulance SA
Surf Life Saving SA
NRMA Insurance
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
Victor Harbor Goolwa Sea Rescue Squadron